One Hand Typing: Mardougrrl is a new(ish) mother who is working on a daily writing practice. She writes with such thoughtfulness and candor, and her prose is lovely, always. I so appreciate her honesty and her wisdom.
Gaijin Mama: Suzanne Kamata is an ex-pat mother of twins living in Japan. Her blog just gets me here (visualize me pounding on my chest). She writes about writing, mothering twins, disability, and living in Japan (among other things). Suzanne is a fiction writer and essayist, and I will link to some of her essays when I dedicate a full post to her writing this summer.
ReadingWritingLiving: I have Gaijin Mama to thank for leading me to Susan Ito’s wonderful blog. Though I have read some of Susan’s essays, I didn’t realize she was blogging (because this sort of thing takes me a long time to figure out). But I am so happy that I’ve found her blog, which is a wonderful combination of reading, writing, teaching, and parenting. (This description doesn’t due her justice, so please check her out if you haven’t already.) She co-edited the anthology A Ghost At Heart’s Edge: Stories & Poems of Adoption.
When in Cairo: In this blog, A. and her boyfriend, James, who are North Americans, describe their experience living and teaching in Cairo. It’s part travelogue, part history lesson, part cultural investigation. So timely. They are both talented writers and I guarantee that this blog is the beginning of a book. Check it out before they get famous.
Ask Allison: This is different from the other blogs I’ve nominated, but I’ve included it because Allison Winn Scotch offers so much to writers trying to break into magazine writing, searching for an agent, or who are in the process of getting their first book published. There aren’t many people who are so forthcoming with their trade secrets. If you’re trying to get published (or even if you’re already published), you must read her blog.
Okay, this is the way the Thinking Blogger Award works:
1. If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think.
2. Link to this post AND to the Thinking Blogger Award site so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme.
3. Optional: Proudly display the ‘Thinking Blogger Award’ with a link to the post that you wrote.
Kate, thank you so much. I am totally honored!
Thank you so much! And you know I feel the same way...you write more deeply about motherhood and writing than anything else I read. It's like I am getting a free MFA here. :)
Gracias, mi amiga.
Thank you so much!
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